Monday, August 26, 2013

TUR (طور) VS JABAL (جبل): Part 4

<< Part 3

Image #1: Cameron Highland Tea Valley, Pahang, Malaysia - Example of TUR (Green Mountain)

Image #2: Genting Highland Resort, Pahang, Malaysia - Example of TUR (Green Mountain)

Image #3: Kundasang Highland, Sabah, Malaysia - Example of TUR (Green Mountain)

Image #4: Jabal Uhud, Mekkah, Saudi - This is not TUR

Image #5: Jabal Rahmah, Arafah, Mekkah, Saudi - This is not TUR (see the mysterious pillar known as "obelisk")

Image #6: Jabal Nur, Mekkah, Saudi - This is not TUR

Seems that there is no TUR (Green Mountain) in the vicinity of Mekkah, when quran is talking about TUR as a signature landmark for baladil ameen (secured country).

Wanna give your thought ? Please write to me...

To be continued....Part 5 >>

Sunday, August 25, 2013

TUR (طور) VS JABAL (جبل): Part 3

  Image #1: A view from the summit of Mount Sinai (Jabal Nabi Musa)

Image #2: The last few meters of the climb up Mount Sinai  (Jabal Nabi Musa)


Mount Sinai: A case of Jabal vs Tur

One of the famous Jabal in judeo-christian biblical archeology is Mount Sinai of Egypt. Let's take a look at the English wikipedia entry:

Mount Sinai (Arabic: طور سيناء‎ Tūr Sīnāʼ  or جبل موسى  Jabal Mūsá ; Egyptian Arabic: Gabal Mūsa, lit. "Moses Mountain" or "Mount Moses"; Hebrew: הר סיניHar Sinai ), also known as Mount Horeb, is a mountain in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt that is the traditional and most accepted identification of the biblical Mount Sinai. The latter is mentioned many times in the Book of Exodus in the Torah, the Bible,[1] and the Quran.[2] According to Jewish, Christian and Islamic tradition, the biblical Mount Sinai was the place where Moses received the Ten Commandments.

Mount Sinai is a Jabal but not a Tur

Mount Sinai is the real classic example of Jabal vs Tur confusion.  In the above ENGLISH wikipedia entry, the ARABIC term Jabal and Tur were used interchangeably as the english wiki author wish.

The fact is, mount Sinai ONLY QUALIFY as Jabal (Mountain) but not Tur (Green Mountain) from the PROPER arabic language perspective.

According to the Quran, an ultimate reference book, which have been revealed in Lisanan Arabiyan (Eloquent Tounge), Jabal and Tur were used to define mountain in generic form vs specific form.

Quran always convey the precision message. Jabal and Tur were not used haphazardly. Both words are not EXACT synonymous. The word was carefully chosen as a sign of guidance.

Any attempt by historian or others in associating Mount Sinai as TUR, does not hold water from the Lisan Arabiy linguistic rule.

This is because Mount Sinai is a barren mountain with no vegetation able to grow on it as you can see from the image #1 and #2 above. It is purely rocky mountain with no fertile top soil or enough rain or right climate to enable plant growth especially olives tree.

وشجرةٍ تَخْرُجُ من طُورِ سَيْناءَ
and trees (Olive) that emerge from Tur Sina'... [23:20]

In the next post we shall take a look at the definition of TUR (طور) by classical Arab dictionary as well the explanation (fussilat) made by the quran.

To be continued....Part 4 >>

Saturday, August 17, 2013

TUR (طور) VS JABAL (جبل): Part 2

<< Part 1

Geography of the Quran is one of the most under developed research subject in the field of quranic studies.

Although, TUR (Green Mountain) and JABAL (General Mountain) are signature landmarks in Quran - especially with regards to the true location of "Baladil Ameen" of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) or Bani Israel residential highland valley (bayt) - many would not be able to appreciate this prominent geographical features.

It may be safe to say Quranic Study programme offered by university worldwide, NEVER TEACH QURANIC GEOGRAPHY.

Geography could be considered as a "strange" subject although there are many words about "geo" in Qur'an.

Trying to understand Qur'an from geography point of view, may lead to 'revolutionary' interpretation, able to wreck havoc, the well established understanding and status quo.

The conventional quranic study courses may be limited to Hafazan (memorization), Tafsir (exegete), Lughah (Dialect), Tajweed (Proper Pronunciation), Asbab An-Nuzul (Reason for Revelation) or Qiraat (Reading Style).

Some claim its already covered under "Tafsir" or "Lughah" subject, but still many do not understand the significance meaning of TUR and JABAL.

Nobody is perfect. As a student of quran, we must always open our minds to accept "new" knowledge and findings.

Indeed this knowledge have been there since the beginning, but ALLAH MESSAGE has always being distorted so that mankind could not decode the heavenly message, in which at the end we are getting upside down geographical information of qur'an:
"And those who rejected said: “Do not listen to this Qur’ān, and make noise over it that you may succeed”…[41:26]
There are words in quran vocabulary that looks similar but in actual fact very unique. In many cases, words that appear to be synonymous, might very well constitute a case of GENERAL versus SPECIFIC, such in the case of JABAL is general mountain while TUR is specific type of mountain where green vegetation is able to grow.

Another example, is the quranic word AL-BAHR (A body of water ie. sea or lake or even big river - البحر) and AL-YAMM (Fast flowing Stream of Water - اليم), which are not exactly synonymous.

God willing, in coming post, our reader may soon find the close relationship between AL-TUR (Green Mountain) and AL-YAMM (Fast Stream of Water flow).

May Allah guide us to straight path insyallah.

To be continued...Part 3>>

TUR (طور) VS JABAL (جبل): Part 1

In this series, we shall learn the difference between TUR vs JABAL, the two words which being translated generally as MOUNTAIN.

The words was mentioned many times in quran. TUR was cited 11x while JABAL was cited 41x, in total of 52.

The words give us the important clue about the geographical topography where the quranic event took place.

It may be safe to say, that the geography of where quran was revealed, are dominated by MOUNTAINS or HIGHLANDS. It is a HIGH ALTITUDE region. Higher elevations are made temperate by their altitude.

This explain why the agricultural produces that usually associated with temperate or "mediteranean" climate such as Grapes (أعناب) , Figs (التين) and Olives (الزيتون), exist in the midst of "harsh Arabian desert". This is what TUR (highly fertile green mountain) is all about.

 يُنبِتُ لَكُم بِهِ الزَّرْ‌عَ وَالزَّيْتُونَ وَالنَّخِيلَ وَالْأَعْنَابَ وَمِن كُلِّ الثَّمَرَ‌اتِ إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَآيَةً لِّقَوْمٍ يَتَفَكَّرُ‌ونَ

He causes to grow for you thereby the crops, the olives, the palm trees, the grapevines, and from all kind of the agricultural produce. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who give thought.

TUR and JABAL may looks synonymous but in actual fact, it is so different and have HUGE implication to our traditional understanding about MILLAT IBRAHIM (The method of Ibrahim) and ARDHUL ANBIYA (Geographical Land of the Prophets).

Without understanding TUR (طور) VS JABAL (جبل) properly, the reader of Al-Quran would not be able to grasp its core meaning and thus resulted in NO BENEFIT and NO GUIDANCE.

Reading Arabian Quran without understanding, is like trying to read driving direction signboard in foreign language that you totally don't understand. It will not lead you anywhere.

Thus one of the reason why GUIDANCE was revealed in Arabic is because of its uniqueness in its ability to communicate the real meaning behind each of its PURPOSELY SELECTED WORD of which, may Allah allow me to share with my beloved reader, in the next post.

كِتَابٌ فُصِّلَتْ آيَاتُهُ قُرْآنًا عَرَبِيًّا لِّقَوْمٍ يَعْلَمُونَ ,بَشِيرًا وَنَذِيرًا فَأَعْرَضَ أَكْثَرُهُمْ فَهُمْ لَا يَسْمَعُونَ 
A Book, whereof its verses are explained in detail; a reading in arabic, for people who have knowledge, (as a) glad tidings and a warning, yet most of them turn away and do not listen [41:3-4]

To be continued....Part 2 >>

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Dear Wesley,

Etymology is study of origin of words.  Since you are highlighting TRINITARIAN MONOTHEISM (TM), let us discuss the subject in the light of objective reasoning. TM as far as i know, is the major founding doctrine of modern Christianity whether to the Catholic or Protestant Church. Correct me if I am wrong.


Lets take a look into 1st word of TM, which is TRINITARIAN. In short it means a 'People who believe in 3 God Head'. Then came the 2nd word MONOTHEISM which means 'One God Ideology'.

In short, following are TM meaning in simple English:

1. TRINITARIAN - A faith in 3 Gods (but at the same time)
2. MONOTHEISM - A faith in 1 God

As we can see, by simple logic, those TM words are contradicting and canceling each other. If you are talking MONO (ONE), than it should be consistently MONO (ONE) or UNI and not a mix up.

How to authenticate whether Trinitarian, which is the winning doctrine favored by Roman Emperor over other competing Christian sect such as Unitarian, at the turn of the 1st melineum, is as originally intended by Jesus ?

The method of authentication is easy. Any honest researcher can quickly authenticate this fact just by reading few early passages of the 1st Christian Gospel -The Gospel of Matthew - and see whether TM is the original idea of Jesus or somebody else.

But before that, let's take another perspective of TM 'etymology'.

TM can be rephrased in consideration of religious cultural background of Roman Empire in earliest centuries CE as :

1. Culture of Poly Gods - Greek-Romans > represented by TRINITY
2. Culture of One God - Judaism > represented by MONOTHEISM

    The whole idea of TM from my point of view is an attempt to fuse POLY (MULTI) with MONO (ONE), a new doctrine of belief by the earliest religious authority of Roman, in order to depart or trying to be unique in identity from traditional Judaism Monotheism. The intervention by the Roman Government in sepotong Trinitarian as a PREFERRED STATE DOCTRINE (a bloody process of sect selection) is very prominent event of Roman Empire history.

    The word POLY means 'more than 1' and it is the antonyms to the word MONO (One). For example POLYTHEIST (Multi Gods) is antonyms to MONOTHEIST (One God).

    It is considerable to say that TRINITARIAN is a subset of POLYTARIAN. So it is not far-fetched to say that TRINITHEISM which is the essence of TRINITARIAN, is subset of POLYTHEISM.


    Back to the earliest centuries of CE (Common Era), Romans empire need new religious identity to unify its people. This religion must have "fresh outlook" and not be subjected to Judaism Synagogue authority, so that Romans will not be inferior to the Jews. In the same time the Roman Empire want to maintain the traditional mythology of Greek-Roman POLYTHEIST (Multi God) culture because of pragmatism approach or 'hellenistic market demand'.

    The Trinity doctrine took new turn when it get the support and endorsement from the government. Since then it went viral throughout Europe. For example, in 325AD, a council was convened by the order of Constantine, the Roman emperor. He had been a leader in the cult known as Sol Invictus and now wanted to unite the Christian sects in the empire under his existing church; the Universal Church of Rome. Many changes to the religion of Christianity were about to take place at that council, including:
    • Formulation for wording concerning the Trinity based on Anthanias
    • Changing Verses of Bible 
    • Eliminating certain verses and books from the Bible 
    • Declaring Arian's "unitarian" (belief in the One God) as heresy 
    • Changing the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday 
    • Changing the date of Jesus' birthday to December 25th 
    • Introduction of Easter (pagan worship called "Feast of Ishtar") 
    • Church of Roman "officially" became the "Universal Church of the Holy Roman Empire" (the word 'Catholic' means 'universal') 


    We have to remember that the idea of MONO GOD (One God) in the earliest centuries of CE (Common Era) is very radical and revolutionary to many pagans Romans.

    They are not used to MONO GOD (One God) or MONO THEIST idea. They are still very much under the influence of Greek Hellenistic culture of POLY GOD (Multiple Gods) or POLY THEIST.


    Unseen God is another radical idea to Romans.

    Since the Father and the Holy Spirit are the elements that cannot be seen, the third element JESUS, which is a physical incarnation of God or Son of God on earth, is the only element that, the new IMAGERY GOD of Romans can be materialized upon.

    It is the habit of the pagan people of Romans that they need physical object of reverence to perform worship to their satisfaction. The image and picture of the God (the Jesus element), is the best way to get the people to focus on.

    The Romans is not used to UNSEEN MONO GOD concept. In Arabic UNSEEN mean GHAIB. According to Quranic narrations, The Israelites want to see God before they could believe the message of Moses. In Matthew 6:6, Jesus did mention that God is Unseen.

    Since Church is incorporating Old Testament into the Christian bible, I still don't understand why GOD THAT CAN BE SEEN is something that Christian was depending after, although it contradict OT narratives.

    The story of Moses in Old Testament did stress the points that GOD IS UNSEEN in nature. The mount crumbles to dust when he request to see God. One of the God attributes, is that He cannot be seen and and Moses later repent for his excessive request.

    As we could understand, the recalcitrant among the Israelites during Moses era, insist to see God.

    The Romans want that privilege too and thus in the modern day, Jesus, the 3rd element of 'Head God' in Pauline religious doctrine is the only chance for them to SEE and IMAGINE the God.

    They are many cultures in the eastern world that promotes GOD THAT CAN BE SEEN. Thus in India, MAHATMA GANDHI was considered the 11th incarnation of divine God to certain quarters. GAUTAMA BUDDHA too was elevated as divine God.

    Although both of them have passed away, the imagery God that can generated from those personalities is evident and similar to what Jesus was being potrayed to this day.

    To be continued...

    Monday, April 15, 2013


    Again and again, worship God Alone without associating Him with others are the key to salvation. It is eternal and consistent message propagate by Moses, Jesus and Muhammad peace be upon them.

    PENTATEAUCH (Deuteronomy 6:13)
    "Fear the Lord your God, serve him only and take your oaths in his name" (NIV)
    GOSPEL (Matthew 4:10)
    Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’ (NIV)
    QURAN (1:5)
    "You alone we do worship and You alone we do seek assistance"

    Wednesday, April 10, 2013


    Following are 1st 11 of God attributes as listed in Gospel of Saint Matthew. I have added 1 more line from original list of 10 because of new important finding of line #1 (Mt 4:10) which i re-quote below here in full :
    "Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only"
     فَقالَ لَهُ يَسُوعُ: «ابتَعِدْ يا شَيطانُ، فَالكِتابُ يَقُولُ: "يَنبَغِي أنْ تَعبُدَ الرَّبَّ إلَهَكَ، وَأنْ تَسْجُدَ لَهُ وَحدَهُ.
    Under the footnote of Mt 4:10 (Gospel), of there is cross reference to Deut 6:13 (Pentateuch) which unequivocally and explicitly talking about worshiping and taking oath under the name of the Lord God Only.


    #1 - the one who is to be worship and served alone (Mt 4:10)
    #2 - the one who is unseen (Mt 6:6)
    #3 - the one who sees what is done in secret (Mt 6:6)
    #4 - the one who will reward you (Mt 6:6)
    #5 - the one who knows what you need before you ask (Mt 6:8)
    #6 - the one who will forgive you if you forgive others (Mt 6:14)
    #7 - the one who will not forgive if you dont forgive others (Mt 6:15)
    #8 - the one who is unseen (Mt 6:18)
    #9 - the one who sees what is done in secret (Mt 6:18)
    #10- the one who will reward you (Mt 6:18)
    #11- the one who feed birds on air without the need for them to sow or having barns to keep (Mt 16:26)


    Coming Next: 1st 10 God Attributes as listed in Gospel of Saint Mark

    Tuesday, April 9, 2013


    1st 10 as listed in the reading (al-quran). Next posting is 1st 10 from Gospel of St Matthew :


    #1 - the almighty, the merciful (1:1)

    #2 - lord of the worlds* (1:2)

    #3 - ruler of the judgement day (1:3)

    #4 - the one who create you and those before you (2:21)

    #5 - the one who made earth habitable (2:22)

    #6 - the one who made sky well built structure (2:22)

    #7 - the one who bring down the water from the sky (2:22)

    #8 - the one who produce (different) fruits from (the same) water (2:22)

    #9 - the one who gave you life (2:29)

    #10- the one who cause you to die (2:29)


    *Worlds (7x Universe)

    Coming Next: 1st 10 God Attributes of Gospel

    Saturday, April 6, 2013



    “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one"

    שמע ישראל יהוה אלהינו יהוה אחד

    Deutoronomy 6:4


    Jesus answered, "The first is, `Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one"

    ἀπεκρίθη ὁ Ἰησοὺς ὅτι πρώτη ἐστιν· ἄκουε, Ἰσραήλ, κύριος ὁ θεὸς ἡμῶν κύριος εἷς ἐστιν

    Mark 12:29



    Say: He, the God, One"

    قل هو اللـه أحد

    Quran 1:112

    ...peace be upon them...