Saturday, August 17, 2013

TUR (طور) VS JABAL (جبل): Part 2

<< Part 1

Geography of the Quran is one of the most under developed research subject in the field of quranic studies.

Although, TUR (Green Mountain) and JABAL (General Mountain) are signature landmarks in Quran - especially with regards to the true location of "Baladil Ameen" of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) or Bani Israel residential highland valley (bayt) - many would not be able to appreciate this prominent geographical features.

It may be safe to say Quranic Study programme offered by university worldwide, NEVER TEACH QURANIC GEOGRAPHY.

Geography could be considered as a "strange" subject although there are many words about "geo" in Qur'an.

Trying to understand Qur'an from geography point of view, may lead to 'revolutionary' interpretation, able to wreck havoc, the well established understanding and status quo.

The conventional quranic study courses may be limited to Hafazan (memorization), Tafsir (exegete), Lughah (Dialect), Tajweed (Proper Pronunciation), Asbab An-Nuzul (Reason for Revelation) or Qiraat (Reading Style).

Some claim its already covered under "Tafsir" or "Lughah" subject, but still many do not understand the significance meaning of TUR and JABAL.

Nobody is perfect. As a student of quran, we must always open our minds to accept "new" knowledge and findings.

Indeed this knowledge have been there since the beginning, but ALLAH MESSAGE has always being distorted so that mankind could not decode the heavenly message, in which at the end we are getting upside down geographical information of qur'an:
"And those who rejected said: “Do not listen to this Qur’ān, and make noise over it that you may succeed”…[41:26]
There are words in quran vocabulary that looks similar but in actual fact very unique. In many cases, words that appear to be synonymous, might very well constitute a case of GENERAL versus SPECIFIC, such in the case of JABAL is general mountain while TUR is specific type of mountain where green vegetation is able to grow.

Another example, is the quranic word AL-BAHR (A body of water ie. sea or lake or even big river - البحر) and AL-YAMM (Fast flowing Stream of Water - اليم), which are not exactly synonymous.

God willing, in coming post, our reader may soon find the close relationship between AL-TUR (Green Mountain) and AL-YAMM (Fast Stream of Water flow).

May Allah guide us to straight path insyallah.

To be continued...Part 3>>

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