Wednesday, July 2, 2014

TUR (طور) VS JABAL (جبل): Part 5

<< Part 4


 "And We sent down from the sky water with due measure, then We let it reside in the land, and We are capable of taking it away. So We brought forth for you gardens of palm trees and grapes, for which you will find many fruits and from it you will eat. And a tree (olives) which emerges from the Tur Seenaa’, it grows with oil and a relish for those who eat"…[23:18-21]
"By the fig and the olive and Tur Seeneen and this secure country..." [95:1-3]
"I do swear by this country and you are a dweller in this country…"  [90:1-3]

In part 4, we have shown sample images which explain the difference between TUR and JABAL.

In verses 23:18, 95:1-3, 90:1-3, we could derive the conclusion that TUR is the signature landmark of the country where prophet ORIGINALLY reside.

Another pertinence question arise. Since Makkah have NO TUR (Green Mountainous Region) in its vicinity except from Taif southwards, than what is the grave implication of this facts ?


Simply by understanding the word from proper arabic language rule, anyone will be guided from being misled by the wrong facts or wrong geography.

Mount Sinai of Egypt had been falsely promoted as TUR by the mainstream historians or wikipedia authors although it only qualify as JABAL. As a quranic student, we should not take any claim at its face value. We had to check the facts thoroughly so that we are always being guided for the correct facts. This is where al-quran came to authenticate claims made by historians or book authors.

There is a long scandalous story of why Ṭur Seenā’ (biblical Mount Sinai) was intentionally projected to Egypt by the Septuagint priest, approximately since 3rd to 2nd century BCE.

Before we embark into that lengthy subject in another thread, let us take a look into the definition of TUR by the classical quran exegetes:


قُلت : و مِديَن بالأرض المق دسة، وهي قرية شُعيب عليه السلام، وقيل إن الطور كل جبل أنبت ، وما لا ينبت فليس بطور
I say: Midian is in the Sanctified Land, and it is the village of Shu‘ayb. And it has been said that the TUR is a mountain that sprouts plants. And that which does not sprout plants is not a TUR"
Ibn Katheer in his exegete over Surah At-Tur mentioned the following:
يقسم تعالى بمخلوقاته الدالة على قدرته العظيمة أن عذابه واقع بأعدائه وأنه لا دافع له عنهم. فالطور هو الجبل الذي يكون فيه أشجار مثل الذي كلم الله عليه موسى، وأرسل منه عيسى. وما لم يكن فيه شجر لا يسمى طورا إنما يقال له جبل
The Almighty swears by his creations, which are testaments to his great power, that chastisement shall fall upon His enemies, and that they cannot avert it. And the TUR is a mountain on which trees grow, like the one where Allah spoke to Musa, and from which ‘Isa was sent forth. And that upon which are no trees is not called a TUR, but is called (simply) a mountain جبل”.

The above is self explained. Mount Sinai (Jabal Musa) or Mount Uhud (Jabal Uhud) or Mount Noor (Jabal Noor) were not qualified to be called as TUR according to lisanan arabiy (arabic tounge) rule.

To be continued....Part 6 >>


  1. Are you still intending to write part 6?

  2. The above recitation meaning the word “We sent down the sky the water” who is “We” ???. The God is only one “not we”. The person who did this translation should correct it or show the original recitation which was not in English

    1. That's Allah(TA). He talks, most often than not, in a capacity that befits His authority. This doesn't mean that there are some other ilah besides Allah, He's only One not 2 nor 3 as claimed by some missionary.

      Is that clear?
