Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Intermittent Fasting According to Al-Quran (Anzalal Kitab) - Part 1

 The Answer for CANCER Prevention and Cure by Nobel Prize Winner, Otto Warburg



1. As explained in the video above, cancer cells take glucose as their only source of feed for their survival and growth.

2. Cancer cells thrive well in a body that provide them with rich glucose metabolism environment.

3. In order to starve the cancer cells to death, the body need to get rid of glucose metabolism and adapt fat metabolism (ketosis) as the cancer cells is unable to feed themselves with "Ketone Bodies", an alternative fuel for body cells beside glucose.

4. The healthy cells thrive well with Ketone Bodies, compared to Cancer Cells which only survive on Glucose.


5. The state of ketosis is can be accelerated with Intermittent (Periodical) Fasting. The long non feed period of 8 - 10 hours will deplete glycogen stores in liver, as well glucose, in circulating blood. The more physical activity done, the faster glucose is depleted from the body.

6. Once glucose is depleted, the brain will instruct the body to initiate Fat metabolism as survival mechanism. Thus, fat energy stores will be shoved out and diluted, liquidated and metabolize into Ketone Bodies.

7. Qur'an prescribed intermittent fasting no of days in verse 2:196 such as:
  • 3 days - فَصِيَامُ ثَلَاثَةِ أَيَّامٍ
  • 7 days - وَسَبْعَةٍ
  • 10 days - تِلْكَ عَشَرَةٌ كَامِلَةٌ
Note: This fasting was prescribed as fidyah (فدية) or ransom to the ones who are unable to provide offering or Al-Hadya (الهدي) which is explained as the offering of four leg cattle animals (بهيمة الانعم), during the period of Hajj.

The opposite terminology for Al-Hadya (الهدي) is Al-Soida (الصيد) which is referring to the wild animal that Allah had prohobit from being hunted during the 4 restricted Shahr period as in 9:36 (اربعة اشهورالحروم).

During this restricted period, only water based wild life hunt/harvest (Soida al-bahr -صيد البحر ) is allowed as in 5:96.

See concordance of root words:


8. The best ratio is 10:20 (10 days continued fasting and 20 days "feasting" / per month).

9. This ratio was mentioned as "The Perfect 10" (تِلْكَ عَشَرَةٌ كَامِلَةٌ)

10. The 10:20 ratio provide sufficient "de-toxification" (fasting) vs feeding cycle to the physical body (Jasad).


11. Al-Insan (Human) structural design was comprise of 3 core elements, identified as Jasad (جسد), Nafs (نفس) and Ruh (روح ).

12. Fasting is key to the development of one of the above core elements i.e Nafs.

13. Fasting as Tazkiah An-Nafs will elevate the Nafs from the state of Ammarah (Inner Self in Commanding Power) to the state of Mutmainnah (Inner Self in Calm/Obey/Submission).

14. In relation to fasting, Nafs in its commanding state, is always want to enjoy food, drinking and sex at anytime of the day. During fasting, this freedom is restricted. A kind of discipline is introduced to the Nafs.

The tactical objective of Fasting is to "pull off the commanding power" of Nafs, it enjoys by default.

15. The body that suffering from Diabetes or other Metabolic Disorder condition (Over Weight, Obesity, High Blood, High Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis, Kidney, Heart Disease, Cancer) own themselves partly to the state of Nafs Ammarah (Commanding Self to be in Excess). Thus, their outer body is just a victim or result of inner self will. The suffering was initiated from inside > out.

16. Once Nafs were made to be trained in an intended starvation days, it will start mellowing down and turned into the state of Nafs Lawwamah and finally to the state of Nafs Al-Mutmainnah.

17. At Mutmainnah stage, An-Nafs is bowing down, listening and communicating with another insani element called *RUH* (divine element from Allah being breath in into us during the initial creation stage).

To be continued...